Structure Synth eisenscript to xml translator
I've been working on some code to automatically translate the original eisenscript files used by Struture Synth into the eisenxml used by the Generative Art node in the Sverchok addo...
I've been working on some code to automatically translate the original eisenscript files used by Struture Synth into the eisenxml used by the Generative Art node in the Sverchok addo...
Last month I went to a talk at our local library by Mark Gee on astrophotography, and I got hooked inspired. For my real job I work on really expensive optics for some of the big te...
Penrose tilings are an interesting group of tilings that have no translational symmetry but are self-similar on different scales. One method to construct them is using substitution, ...
The changes and improvements I made to the Generative Art node for Sverchok mean some of the examples from earlier blog posts need some updates. I've include the updated examples in...
This post is hopefully the first in a series of examples and demos for the Generative Art node for the Sverchok addon for Blender. This node is very strongly based on Structure Sy...