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Deconstructed Easter Eggs

This time last year, hereabouts, we were in lock-down with our team of 5 million pursuing a strategy to eliminate COVID-19. I’d recently done a big supermarket shop, and I wasn’t go...

Update on Hyperbolic Tiling with Sverchok

At the request of a reader, I’ve updated my Sverchok node for making hyperbolic tilings in Blender. There’s now a “Script Node Lite” node that works with the latest versions of Sverc...

Cocktail - Newton's Downfall

For Christmas, my partner and I bought ourselves a still to make spirits. This is perfectly legal where we live. We just can’t sell the finished product. We’ve brewed a first sugar w...

Imp Traveller - Behind the Scenes

This is a piece I made in 2019 in Blender 2.80. I posted my progress over on blender artists in the Works in Progress category and I’m reposting a version of that content here. In an...

Update on old projects

It’s been a while since I’ve regularly updated this blog (blame the day job and life). Here’s some updates and links on stuff related to addons I’ve made for Blender or scripted node...